11 Hidden Key Components Of Business Object Repository

Business Object Repository is the whole collection of all your business logic in CRM. By following key points you can grow your business object

Discussion on the subject of business object repository by many group leaders
Business people in a board room meeting

Business Object Repository also known as BOR is basically the whole collection of all your business logic in Customer realtionship management CRM.
As per in simple words, All your Systems, Applications and Products in Data processing known as SAP systems are described in Business Object Repository (BOR).

Business Object Repository (BOR)

Now, Lets Begin the proper key components of the business object repository by understanding what is BOR. As simple as possible, A BOR is a centralized storage system which is termendously used in business management and the enterprise software applications also.

It provides the business owner the concluded repository for there business objects, which may be the digital representationsof real world business entities and concepts on which the organization is running such as the customes, order, products and invoices. Many other essential important looking things in the business.

 BOR – Key Components and Functions


Key Components of Business Object Repository

As for the overview lets organize the key points in order so that you learn quickly and memorize easily which are following

1. Centralized Storage

2. Standarization

3. Reusability

4. Metadata Repository

5. Object Models

6. API and Integration Interface

7. Data Governance Tools

8. Versioning and Change Management

9. Search and Query Tools

10. Documentation and Collaboration Tools

11. Security and Access Control


Centralized storage system all your business at one space
Centralized Storage Image
  • Centralized Storage

    Centralized storage is the storage component which is secure with the highly available storage and the retrieva; of binary data which is also identified as ID.

    For example

Your are managing a retail chain and you have the multiple stores across the worldwide with different locations. Then eventually every store you have its own database, store inventry and ustomer information etc. Without the centralized storage it will be found at different systems which make it very difficult to have a single view of your business.

As the solution of this you use centralized storage which gathher every single detail from all stores. That will make your work alot easier to take positive steps for your business.

  • Standarization

Standarization is the key component of Business Object Repository
Standarization is the key component of Business Object Repository

Standarization plays an important role in any business. In the BOR the terms standarization plays important role are unified terminology,  standard attributes, validation rules, data formats etc.

Lets clear it out with an example

In the business you have the stores but gathering all the information will not help you if you can not standradize their category, name and ID. You will lost your time in finding the product details. So basically no benefit of the centralized storage if you can not do the standarization.

  • Reusability

Reusability in BOR
Reusability is the adaption of the business rules

Reusability means to use and leverage existing business objects, components and functionalities across the multiple systems in organization. It involves designs and reimplementing the business objects in the way that their utility allow them to adapt it very easily and should be reused in many other contexts.

For example

You are running the business which contain different type of products. Let suppose your product does not run successfully then you have to change the design and reuse it in different ways. The adaption will surely increase.

  • Metadata Repository

Metadata Repository the type of the Business object repository
Composite image of business desk with business icons

In the Business Object repository the metadata repository is the comprehensive informational data collection. In which the information of the overall data is viewed in the single tab and sheet. Where you can overview the major condition of your business.
The key points in it are

  1. Comprehensive coverage
  2. Rich Metadata Models
  3. Metadata Management
  4. Integration with tools and Systems
  5. User Access
  6. Scalability and perfomance
  • Object Models

Arranging your object models in Business object repository
Different shape and size of objects appears in the image

In the object models you should have to represent your business objects properly including the conclusive information on their properties and behaviour.

The function of the object models is to provide the blueprint for how does business objects are eventually structured and how they are attached with the system of your business.

  • API and Integration Interface

API and Integration Interface in Business Object repository
API the image interface only

The interface in Business object repository which is your mainly whole product the interface in front of your customer. The Interface which allows external systems to interact with your business objects in the repository.
It includes the facilitate data exchange and integation with other systems, that in which all your business products can be access easily and at backend manipulated programmicatically,

  • Data Governance Tools

Data Governance tools which helps you in Business Object Repository
A man holding all the data in his hand

The tools in Business Object repository which helps you to manage the quality of your data in an organized way. In this the data quality, data security, and compliance with data governance policies.

These data governance tools ensure you business data is accurate, secure and quality context. If you are not using tools to search more about your business insights and reviewing every minor ups and downs in your business you have to look it for now.

  • Versioning and Change Management

Versioning and Change Management in BOR
A change in the strategies leads towards the growth

Every business demands the change over the time because the strategies may become old and people does not get attracted by the same method again and again.

In business object repository the change management for tracking different versions of your business objects. Then managing change to products overtime is known sa the versoning and change management.

This allows the orgainzation and company to keep track the updates and modification. It may leads to the previous versions if it is necessary to revert. The changes should be systematically controlled from the business organization.

  • Search and Query Tools

Search and Query Tools for BOR
Business concept with wooden blocks, glasses, magnifying glass on keyboard on white background flat lay.

The search and query tools are very useful in business in which the top searches involves as the top products and best selling product in business.

These tools provides ease to the business objects, allowing user to find adn retrieve the information they need immediately.

The key points in it are

  1. Keyword Search
  2. Boolean Search
  3. Attribute based Search
  4. Hierarchical search
  • Documentation and Collaboration Tools

    In business object repository there is always the need of the documentation. the tools which helps to keep documenation and collaboration details safe is known as the tools.

By these tools we can get the comprehensive documentation for each business object including each and everything in it. It can also provide the consistent approach fir making metadata safe which can describe the characteristixs and usage of each business object or context.


  • Security and acess control

Security and acess control in business object repository
A man playing with his card

There should be the standard access policies in business object repository which will define and implement standard access control policies to asure that the authorize person can make only changes or modify the business objects.

It provide the easy acess to authorize person of the business and allow that user to find the information they need quickly.



The business object repository also known as the BOR is the wellowned key to manage and grow your business in this digital world. Where everything is now social active there are always the key points that keep in track the business. The centralized storage is one of them which keeps all the data at the single point. By securing the account our business risk of hacking decreases. For the innovation and growth we are applying different strategies.

The process of the business object repository also depend on the searching for which we should use the searching tools. This all for the information to be at single point and easy to use for the user and customer interface.




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